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Who doesn’t love a good at-home CrossFit workout!? I do! This one will kick your butt for sure, but stick with it and you’re hard work will pay off! Have a great day!

Week 1
Day 1: 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups, 10 air squats (5 rounds)
Day 2: Run 1/2 mile, 25 (or 50 if you can) air squats (3 rounds)
Day 3: 20 lunges, 10 push-ups (5 rounds)
Day 4: Longer run (or whatever it is that you like to do–biking, swimming, etc), *Add-on: 1 minute front plank, and 1 minute plank on each side
Day 5: Rest day!
Day 6: 50-100 jumping jacks, 25 air squats, 20 push-ups, for time – keep a record of your time. 
Day 7: Run 1 mile for time
Week 2
Day 8: Do one air squat and take one breath, (you can breathe all you want while you do the squat or squats) do 2 and take 2 breaths etc…up to 10, and then come back down to one.
Day 9: Run 1 mile (or run in place, or jump rope, or do short sprints or something to get your blood pumping) and do 10 push-ups every 1 minute.
Day 10: 20 jumping jacks, 10 sit-ups (5 rounds)
Day 11:  Longer run (or whatever it is that you like to do–biking, swimming, etc) *Add-on: 1 minute front plank, and 1 minute plank on each side
Day 12: Rest day!
Day 13: 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups, 10 air squats (5 rounds)
Day 14: 50-100 jumping jacks, 25 air squats and 20 push-ups (2 rounds) for time
Week 3
Day 15: 20 lunges, 10 push-ups (5 rounds)
Day 16: Run 1 mile, for time (compare to previous time!), and do 50 jumping jacks
Day 17: 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups, 10 air squats (5 rounds)
Day 18: Longer run (or whatever it is that you like to do–biking, swimming, etc) *Add-on: 1 minute front plank, and 1 minute plank on each side
Day 19: Rest day!
Day 20:  50-100 jumping jacks, 25 air squats, 20 push-ups, for time (compare to previous time!), then jump rope for 3 minutes (or jump in place mimicking a jump-rope motion if you don’t have a jump rope)
Day 21: Sprint 200 meters (1/8th mile…or 1/2 way around a track), do 20 push-ups (3 rounds)
Week 4
Day 22: 20 jumping jacks, 10 sit-ups (5 rounds)
Day 23: 100 air squats, for time
Day 24: 20 lunges, 15 push-ups (5 rounds) *Scale down reps if needed
Day 25: Longer run (or whatever it is that you like to do–biking, swimming, etc.) *Add-on: 1 minute front plank, and 1 minute plank on each side
Day 26: Rest day!
Day 27: 15 push-ups, 15 sit-ups, 15 air squats (5 rounds) *Note: If you’re still struggling with this, you can do the 10/10/10 reps)
Day 28: Run 1 mile, for time (compare with your other results–have you improved??) and do 100 jumping jacks
Day 29: Leap forward (jump as far as you can with both feet) 20 times followed by 50 jumping jacks (3 rounds).
Day 30: Today’s workout will sum up what we’ve done and will take a bit longer than other days, so set aside a little bit more time than normal! For today:
*20 lunges, 15 push-ups (5 rounds)–decrease push-up reps if needed
*10 sit-ups, 10 air squats (5 rounds) — or up the reps to 15 each
*100 jumping jacks
*jump rope for 1 minute
*25 sit-ups
AWESOME JOB! Comment below and let me know how you did.. or if you’ve got any questions!
Note: Please check with your medical professional before doing this program.

I’m a huge fan of these Tabata Workouts – they’re perfect for people always rushing from one place to the other. Tabata workouts, (if done properly) will burn more calories than a typical cardio session. I wouldn’t recommend completely relying on Tabata Workouts , I would still incorporate weight training atleast 2-3 times per week.
This full body tabata workout is a great substitute for those days you know you can’t squeeze in the gym for an hour or two or if you’re simply one that HATES cardio in the gym. =]
Complete each exercise for 30 seconds taking a 10 second break between every 2 exercises.
Butt & Legs
Jump Squats
10 second rest
Right Side Elbow Plank
Left Side Elbow Plank
10 second rest
Reverse Plank with Leg Lifts
Tricep Dips while alternating Leg Lifts
10 second rest
Opposite Arm and Leg Reaches on All Fours

Your core is compiled of 4 different parts; Rectus Abdominus, Oblique, Intercostals, and Serratus. It’s imperative to work each of these muscles in order to achieve a solid core. The following exercises will target each of these areas so you can start seeing some washboard abs!

Rectus Abdominus: 
§  Location: Covers the area from sternum all the way down to the pelvis bone.
§  Exercises: Crunch or Sit Up
§  Location: Side of the waist.
§  Exercises: Side Bends and Decline Oblique Crunches
§  Location: Between the side of the rib cage. It comes into play when you flex the torso and twist from side to side.
§  Exercise: Air Bike
§  Location: Between front abs and lats.
§  Exercises: Barbell Pullovers and Cable Crunches
*Keep in mind that your diet and cardio will need to be in check in order for you to see abs.
Here are 3 sample workout plans for optimum results. Alternate each of these workouts every 3 days. Your core muscles repair quicker that the rest of your muscles allowing you to work them daily without muscle deterioration.

Core Strengthening Workouts

Workout For: Men and Women

Muscles Targeted: Core – Rectus Abdominus, Oblique, Intercostals, and Serratus

Workout #1:
Cable Crunch – 30 seconds
15 seconds of rest
Side Bends – 30 seconds
15 seconds of rest
Crunches – 3 sets of 15
Reverse Crunch Curl – 3 sets of 15

Workout #2:
Barbell Twists – 30 seconds
15 seconds of rest
Bicycle Crunches – 30 seconds
15 seconds of rest
Crunches – 30 seconds
15 seconds of rest
Leg Raises, Laying Down – 30 seconds
Workout #3:
Frog Sit Ups – 30 seconds
15 seconds of rest
Toe-Touch Sit Ups – 30 Seconds
15 seconds of rest
Side Crunches – 30 seconds each side
15 seconds of rest
Reverse Crunch – 3 sets of 15 reps

Workout For: Women (or Men!)

Body Parts: Hamstrings, Quads, Glutes

Equipment: No Equipment Needed
This simple workout will create long lean hamstrings and quads just like the VS Models while firming and toning your glutes. Complete every 2-3 days for optimal results, but I would avoid doing the workout daily as your muscles need time to recover and heal.
The Workout:

Stiff Legged Deadlift – 25 reps
Pistol Squat – 25 reps each leg
Jump Squat – 1 minute
Lunge Kicks – 25 reps each  leg
Arabesque – 25 reps each leg

6 rounds

Toned Arms in 6 Moves

Workout For: Men and Women

Muscles Used: Biceps & Triceps

Equipment: Dumbbells, Rope Attachment
This is a basic arm workout for fast and noticeable results. I recommend supersetting (completing two exercises back to back without rest) to make the workout fast-paced, fun and effective.

Remember to always take 1-2 days off of your bicep and tricep workout to eliminate muscle deterioration. And to avoid a plateau, start with higher weight and drop to a lower weight as you move to your next set. For example: the first set will be the max weight you can lift, the second set will be the next lighter weight and so on.
The Workout:

Superset 1
Dumbbell Bicep Curl 4sets of 12-15 reps

Incline Skull Crushers 4 sets of 12-15 reps

30-60 seconds rest

Superset 2
Tricep Dumbbell Kickback 4 sets of 10-12 reps

Incline Dumbbell Curl 4 sets of 10-12 reps

30-60 seconds rest

Superset 3
Cable Hammer Curls w/ Rope Attachement 4 sets of 12-15 reps

Triceps Pushdown 4 sets of 12-15 reps


It’s already hitting temperatures of 110+ in Arizona! In the summer we pretty much live at the lake or in the pool and considering that it’s only ever below 70 degrees about 3 months out of the year, most everyone is fit! Stay on your fitness game with workouts that are able to be done at your convenience, at home; no one wants to be inside when you can be outside soaking up some rays.

Workout For: Men and Women
Body Parts: Glutes, Abdominals, Thighs, Lower Back
Equipment: No Equipment Needed

Complete the following sets as many times as you can in 15 minutes. You’ll want to die tomorrow because you’re so sore but that means that it’s working! =]

Lunges – 50x, 25 per leg

Self-Squats – 50x

Back Extensions – 50x (just like a superman but instead of holding it, raise and lower your back and your legs off the floor)
Commit to doing this 3-4 times per week. There’s no gym equipment needed – NO EXCUSES! You can do it!

Getting ready for summer? Pair the 8 Minutes to a 6-Pack Workout with these lean, mean, fat-burning foods and you’ll be beach body ready in no time. 

Nuts – monosaturated fats like nuts and nut butters burned more calories! Don’t let ‘fat’ in the title scare you, ,monosaturated fats are the good fats. Portions are key however, keep it to ¼ cup of nuts and 2 tablespoons of nut butters

Non-Fat Greek Yogurt – higher in filling protein that regular yogurt, also contains probiatotics (good bacteria) that reduce the bad bacteria in your intestines leading to tummy bloating.  1 cup is a perfect serving – this is an AWESOME snack that Troy and I pack daily in our lunches. We add sliced strawberries, blueberries, rasberries and 1/3 cup of homemade granola (this is my fav recipe for homemade granola)

Mushrooms – Only natural plant source of Vitamin D! =O whaaaat? Low Vitamin D levels are linked to higher levels of belly fat. Mushrooms exposed to ultraviolet light have higher levels of Vitamin D. Chop up some mushrooms and throw them in a pasta sauce or a salad.

Chocolate Milk – low fat of course =] Great post workout snack to help you gain muscle and burn fat. 8 oz is a decent serving, stick to the 1% milk for this tasty treat.
Air-Popped Corn – huh? Popcorn is a whole grain! People who eat whole grains over refined grains have less tummy fat. The key is to find the air-popped popcorn – 3 cups = 100 calories! What a great snack!

Beans – Low in calories, high in fiber! Studies have shown that bean eaters have slimmer waistlines and overall weigh less! If you don’t typically eat beans, eat small amounts to start and work your way up to bigger portions.

Quinoa – No surprise here! Another great source of whole grain but did you know that quinoa is also a complete protein!? This will keep you fuller longer. My favorite way to eat quinoa is with steamed veggies. YUM!

Watermelon – loaded with nutrients and low in calories; watermelon is about 85% water! Sub watermelon for desert or an in-between meal snack.

Protein Packed and Green

Long Grain Rice, Black Beans, Steamed Broccoli, Zucchini Squash
(Squirt some lemon juice over the veggies for an extra zest of flavor!) 

8 Minutes to 6 Pack Abs

That’s right! 8 Minutes – call me crazy but I swear by this ab workout. BTW…the photo of that handsome man up there is my Troy Boy =]. Do this at least 4x per week and you WILL see results!

Workout For: Men and Women
Body Parts: Abdominals and Obliques
Equipment: No Equipment Needed

This short but intense workout will sculpt and tone your abdominal and oblique muscles just in time for all those summer pool parties.

Since this is a short, high-intensity workout, you’ll easily be able to squeeze it into your days no matter how busy you get. I’d recommend doing the workout after a cardio session for faster results.

Aim towards doing this workout daily. The first few days are tough because you will be sore, but once you start seeing your washboard abs develop, you’ll have no problem doing this daily.

The Workout:

Push Throughs – 45 seconds

Single Leg Raises – 45 seconds

30 second rest

Push Throughs – 45 seconds

Vertical Leg Crunches – 45 seconds

30 second rest

Cross Arm Crunch – 45 seconds

Arm Reaching Sit Up – 45 seconds


This awesome workout originally came from – follow along with the 8 Minute Ab Workout Video